I have spent the last 11 years and 6 months working at PBJS. My last day of work there was on Friday. It was a pretty surreal feeling.
The work day felt pretty much like any other. Coworkers going about their jobs as usual. I cleaned my desk of all the assorted oddities I had acquired over the years and had placed around my workspace. Weird masks and pieces of costumes. Decks of super hero cards. Cardboard cutouts of D&D characters. Jars and bottles of homemade alcohol. you know, the usual work stuff.
It was a nice feeling of wrapping up and starting to move on to something new and different and unknown. There is definitely something liberating about getting rid of a bunch of stuff that has always kind of just been around you.
I am taking this next week to do the same thing at home. I'm getting rid of just about everything. Things that had been moved across the country and through four places of residence for one reason or another.
I thought I would hold onto more things but as the departure date approaches, I find myself just wanting to be done with everything.
Time will tell if this was the right decision. It feels right. Going on this journey feels right. I'm glad I'm doing it and I look forward to the challenges and changes in my life.